Wednesday, December 16, 2009

National Glory same olde story

from Dr. Benjamin Rush's Plan for a Peace Office

In order more deeply to affect the minds of the citizens
of the United States with the blessings of peace,
by contrasting them with the evils of war,
let the following inscriptions be painted
upon the sign which is placed over the door
of the War Office.
1. An office for butchering the human species.
2. A Widow and Orphan making office.
3. A broken bone making office.
4. A Wooden leg making office.
5. An office for the creating of public and private vices.
6. An office for creating a public debt.
7. An office for creating speculators, stock jobbers, and bankrupts.
8. An office for creating famine.
9. An office for creating pestilential diseases.
10. An office for creating poverty, and the destruction of liberty,
and national happiness.
In the lobby of this office let there be painted
representations of all the common military instruments of death,
also human skulls, broken bones, unburied and putrefying dead bodies,
hospitals crowded with sick and wounded soldiers,
villages on fire, mothers in besieged towns
eating the flesh of their children,
ships sinking in the ocean, rivers dyed with blood,
and extensive plains without a tree or fence, or any object,
but the ruins of deserted farm houses.
Above this group of woeful figures, –
let the following words be inserted,
in red characters to represent human blood,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

from one of We the people

Dear Ralph, Naomi, Wes & Wendell, Oren,
Starhawk, Andy Kimbrell, Bill McKibben
and all the candidates
that the poets, vegetarians,
12 steppers, animal rights activists,
be-all-ogists, echologists, gyn-ecologists,
unions of concerned scientists, people,
etcetera etcetera
can muster,

We need many independent libertarian candidates
in every one of the 435 congressional districts
so a significant number of "only the rich
can save us" republicans will join in
& create a 7th Generation Party that can:
1) actually elect 10 to 20 or more of us
to the House of Representatives;
2) gradually or suddenly replace the present g o p
turning it into a "3rd party"
(think of many districts
where the incumbent democrat wins big
because the "conservative" vote is split
& "We" come in 2nd);
3) do the education/consciousness-raising/awareness
of co-evolution play that must be done
if we are to bring progress/growth/development
nightmare to a sane
decentralized democracy & justice for all

let me put it in the negatives
IF we don't do this in 2010
there's a high probability that team obama
accomplishes nothing of importance
in 2nd two years of a one term presidency
fear mongering republicans return to power
with revenge on their ledged minds
wars continue to feed the war corporations
6th extinction and global storming
not only continue
but accelerate
bacteria and viruses breed and co-evolve
70 times faster than we do
and one or two nasty ones will spread quicker
in starving, weakened, immune-compromised populations
the century of world wars and genocides wasn't pretty
the century of plagues, heating, dessication, flooding
and more genocides will be so much uglier
many will welcome the grim reaper with a sigh of relief
and a 7th Generation Party may never see
the light of day

we have a chance
an opportunity
11 months from now
to change the direction
toward simplicity
less tech
no nukes
planned parenthood
angeleek's uneek soup kitchen
groove de la groove daycare
dance ur blues away fitness
conflict resolution center
in every neighborhood
sustainable and egalitarian
joy filled living

we the people may not get another chance


m.c. k9
Box 511
Lakeville, Ct. 06039