Sunday, April 18, 2010

gross of poems is plenty

that was poem #145
is anyone out there?
am i virtually alive?

prosaic politics has won
filling this box
just stopt being fun

virtual virtue doesn't cut it

"Tax his  tobacco,
Tax his  drink,
Tax him if  he
Tries to  think.

Tax his  cigars,
Tax his  beers,
If he  cries
Tax his  tears."

we do need to tax vices
addictive pleasures
we can't tax thinking
or feelings

it's taxes for war
that kill them and us
taxes to slop
corporate hogs

exxon's 40 billion in profits
goes untaxed year after year
that's what i hear
techno-pacified americans
cocooned & entertained
pay no attention to capital's gains
that's what i fear

Friday, April 16, 2010

war is waste peace is prosperity

big weapons no good against anthrax
big weapons can't stop dirty nukes
big weapons compound chemo messes
big weapons have no purpose or use

weapons of mass destruction are tiny
just a sneeze, a suitcase, a parcel
give no person a reason to use them
and get rid of a huge useless arsenal

peace is extremely cost effective
gives us friends everywhere in the world
& it's the only way to stop the 6th extinction
let the 7th generation have a whirl

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ten palin haiku - vote now

17 syllables to deplore
discovery's eye sore

"Red drops on white snow
A thousand howling deaths reaps
A million dollars"

Edited to:
Red blood on white snow
A thousand howling deaths reap
A million dollars

much better
"deaths reaps" is awful
blood stronger than "drops"
the last haiku on the list
as good as the one I voted for

should have used "instant run off voting"
get people used to it
3 haiku better than one

Friends of the Earth
can you get together with 1 Sky and 350
ask people to form a deeply conserving
far right T for Transition Party?
a 7th Generation Party?
a long term future for speciation party?
a deep ecology party calling for
fiscal responsibility
balanced budgets
get rid of Federal Income Tax
super simple 3 flat taxes for rich, not so rich
the poor too can participate
phase out War Dept. 10% a year
phase in a tiny budget super-efficient Peace Dept.
costs 1% of so-called "Defense Budget"
accomplishes much, much, more homeland security
moves us steadily
toward a sustainable

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

skills for joy!

1 sky needs 350
350 needs 1 sky
they both need
a political party

do i have to tell you why?

peace department needs ron paul
ron paul needs peace department
we can cut tax dollar in half!
& make the world safe for
give the children
all the skills they need

Friday, April 9, 2010

Grand T Party

in the dream my life was unified
everyone who needed my words could hear
simultaneous translations computerized
cosmic humility had eliminated fear

multisyllabic long lines became shorter in short order
peace epic rhythms suffused each song
rains arrived in time for all in sundry
pressures were relieved at all the borders

grand T party for Transition
popped up on many lips at once
live and let live take it easy
"turn the pigeons loose" in all fonts

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

missing subjects

Dear Ron Paul,

Peace is the subject of my message.
Eco-balance is next on my list.
Great-great-grandchildren unto the 7th generation
should be at the top of your list.
Followed by Peace.
And Eco-balance.
Why is your list
missing the most
important subjects
when you and I think alike
about the Constitution?
I know, "bring ALL the troops home"
is about minding our own business.
But it is also about peace and eco-balance
and a sustainable future for our 7th generation
because those troops abroad need to be brought home today
to plant trees for tomorrow.
Peach trees.
Pear trees.
Quince and apple.
Citrus trees in the gulf coast district.
Permaculture trees appropriate
to each of the 435 districts.

Best wishes and many thanks
for your leadership on many issues.
Wish you had come up with the courage
to join Kucinich in impeaching Bush/Cheynie
for their many crimes against the Constitution
and humanity.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

peace is the way

no way to peace
peace is the way

this is not work
it is just play

joy comes from justice
justice comes from joy

i'm with howlin' wolf
hoy hoy i'm the boy

look at a sovereign darfur
create no fly zone
refugees return home
tell every victim
"you are not alone"

and mean it

ban the maiming land mines
find the Way each day
face down mammon
face down moloch
until they no longer hold sway

might no longer makes right
might just makes a mess
every just grievance
must be addressed

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mammon & Moloch

entropy or sacrament
devo or consubstantiation
get a grip people
or it's total damnation

Mammon the money power
Moloch child-eating war
built by monotheistic manias
& merely minding the store

Saturday, April 3, 2010

German Easter 1524

reading engels on war, "The Peasant War in Germany"
the peasants form troops and make reasonable demands
the peasants are betrayed by various allies in different ways
the peasants burn castles and monasteries
the princes of secular power slaughter the peasants
page after page of beheadings, roastings and impalings
eat your roasted leaders or die is one ultimatum to a throng
and so it goes thru the early 1500s and on into 17th century
dark ages before darker ages after but marx and engels trudge
the road of unhappy destinies finding a thread of "progress"
"Who profited by the Revolution of 1525? The princes.
Who profited by the Revolution of 1848? The big princes,
Austria and Prussia. Behind the princes of 1525
there stood the lower middle-class of the cities,
held chained by means of taxation.
Behind the big princes of 1850,
there stood the modern big bourgeoisie,
quickly subjugating them by means of the state debt.
Behind the big bourgeoisie stand the proletarians."
who stands by me for peace & eco-balance in 2010?
not the artist formerly known as prince
not the lumpenproles and lumpenbourgies
not the lieutenant class or the sargents at arms
not the intermediate lackey sector
everyone is kept running, running, running
too busy surviving to think about survival
but not too busy to think about taxes and state debt

Thursday, April 1, 2010

surrendered men

love thy enemies
turn the other cheek
the meek shall inherit
no further to seek