Monday, July 27, 2009

the add lib coalition

one supporter of the crawl
sums it up as
infrastructure, education, arts
decline and fall

"arts" can't really be subsidized
you either do it or you don't
@ bringing out the best in the brightest
our schools seem to go from worse and worst
that leaves infrastructure
and wars have created an empty purse
printing funny money to build
could be another curse

bringing libertarians and liberals together
liberationists for women and children too
seems like such an obvious ad lib thing to do

Sunday, July 26, 2009

eknath says read the mystics

early 1200s to early 2000s

rumi, francis, milarepa
stayed at home
wake us up

be teacher
in community
spin off players

peel away

lobsters molt
pythons shed
great prayers

one big wed
kiska stolen?
be yay sayers
(translated from Farsee)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

post-computer post-tv

pc pre computer ptv pre tv
pre screenings of consciousness
what's it mean to just BE

post-pomo post-toasties post-posting-my-poop
time to just let everything droop
longer than drop and you don't have to stoop
longer than stop! can't close this loop

just stop doing zeros and ones
digital virtual less & less fun
catching insects on allium
with canon
power shot
digital elph
just more naming & filing
by a selfish small self

why was the fox so dead in the road
fullstop to ask questions slows overload
slow politics offline may never catch on
but neither does whining into beyond

Friday, July 24, 2009

buried a young fox

found young fox dead in the road this day dawning
stopped the car & put on the blinker warning
wet from rain red blood bled from the head
same fox watched from our window many a morning

picked it up by the tail and put it in the grass
big black ears will hear no more -- alas
started to cry but told my eyes to remain dry
acceptance, yet roadkill makes me visit the past

how many mashed bodies have i pulled to the side
dug hole between pawpaw seedlings let body slide
filled in, piled stones, someone may find the bones
a dwarfish ballad hides humility behind pride

Thursday, July 23, 2009

mom & apple pie

peace ecological balance children @ play
homo ludens collaboratus (r species being) the American way
this is the mom the libertarian apple pie has been missing
Old Mothernature OMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm
so simple -- "mom & apple pie" the very pie mother mary
imagined eve cooking up for her man adam full of know-how
modest nourishing reality-as-it-is-Nature feeds us every day
in every way no more no less enuf for life -- free of stufffff

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 basic principles

3 basic principles
3 wheels that reverse
peace ecology children
lift the curse

waging peace
we face the present
put the power tribes
to rest

ecological balance
slows us up

children's joy
followed closely
7th generation

Monday, July 20, 2009

for the common GOOD

July 20th, 2009

Dear Senator McCain:

During the campaign you supported a "League of Democracies"
& that was one proposal that made me look twice at your candidacy.
The world does need global policemen but we are untrustworthy.
Our "preemptive unilateral perpetual"wars have disqualified US.

We need a year round forum to shape swift and thrifty global policies
to stop terrorism/genocides/"ethnic cleansings"/uncivil wars
and in full support of the International Criminal Court. Do you
support the common GOOD (Global Organization Of Democracies)?

This is a GOOD idea whose time has come
please give it your continuing best effort.
We the people would appreciate your suggestions.
What can we do to move this country in GOOD directions?


Charlie Keil
Box 511
Lakeville, Ct. 06039

cc. Pres. Barack Obama

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

a strong interest in prioritizing

a strong interest in prioritizing
1) eco-balance
2) peace-play
3) the full and free expression of young children as dancers
drummers poets singers cartoonists instrument players
mimes sculptors comedians dramatizers

Wanted: people who will "crawl for Congress" as write-in candidates
in all 435 Congressional districts for 12 to 20 minutes a day
as libertarian paleocons with the above priorities
eco-balance & peace-play
immediate goals and action
cultivating the free and full expression of children
comes first because it is deeply satisfying
and the peace movement is small elderly
needs many young people who are fully alive
not technococooned
not alienated
not addicted
not passive consumers
a large and lively peace movement
diverting resources
from stupid counterproductive wasteful wars
to ecological problem solving
will make radicle (rooted) decentralism
Jeffersonian yeoman farming communities
free states
participatory democracy
local music & dance traditions
possible and sustainable now
& for the 7th generation
& beyond

Monday, July 13, 2009

war is waste

war is waste peace is prosperity

big weapons no good against anthrax
big weapons can't stop dirty nukes
big weapons compound chemo messes
big weapons have no purpose or use

weapons of mass destruction are tiny
just a sneeze, a suitcase, a parcel
give no person a reason to use them
and get rid of a huge useless arsenal

peace is extremely cost effective
gives us friends everywhere in the world
& it's the only way to stop the 6th extinction
let the 7th generation have a whirl

Friday, July 10, 2009

disastro at the castro

disastro at the castro

towers with slit windows for that narrow p o v
parapets for dumping boiling oil
the moat the drawbridge the spoils of war
endless toil

why live in constant fear of siege
why have this siege mentality
why is every leader besieged
why is this the big reality

money bucks mammon cash is king
monetization of every single thing

let's build up the always-for-pleasure people
starting with our kids
until everyone wants it that way

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

tons of poems
but so lite they float
from pencil to pen
to the great processing moat
surrounding the castle of mind

a castle full of dungeons
few dragons they float now
in friendly children's books
lacking fierceness in fantasy
'it's just a game'

that's what the recliner biker had to say
yesterday after the peace demo
no big or little pharma for him
rather die than live that way
found his paying gig
amongst the aged tucked away

Monday, July 6, 2009

frogs'r us

there's a reason to the season
this is no bog nor a blog
woke this a.m to plog a chorus of frog

happy to hear them
they're in danger like us
unlike gus can't take the bus

can't plan like stan but neither can man
no long term thinking on a scale grand
pot slowly hotter yet we make no fuss

Saturday, July 4, 2009

originalists & aboriginalists

originalists & aboriginalists

"The Hau de no sau nee is governed by a constitution known among Europeans as the Constitution of the Six Nations and to the Hau de no sau nee as the Gayanahakgowah, or the Great Law of Peace. It is the oldest functioning document in the world which has contained a recognition of the freedoms the Western democracies recently claim as their own: the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the rights of women to participate in government. The concept of separation of powers in government and of checks and balances of power within governments are traceable to our constitution. They are ideas learned by the colonists as the result of contact with North American Native people, specifically the Hau de no sau nee."
from A Basic Call to Consciousness, Geneva, Switzerland, Autumn 1977:17-18

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
from the first sentence of The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

originalists relate this Declaration to the Constitution which established USA a bit later
aboriginalists relate "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" to Nature as the Creator

originalists link the languages of Declaration and Constitution to each other
aboriginalists know that "the opinions of mankind" were once all focused on the Mother

originalists love Mother Nature because She entitles us to "separate and equal station"
aboriginalists understand diversity of species and cultures is the very basis of this nation

originalists hold the intent of the floundering fathers to be both clarifiable and sacred
aboriginalists know that it is 'we the people' who must free ourselves of war and hatred

Friday, July 3, 2009

listen to jill richardson

listen to

jill richardson of commonweal institute

if what she says is true
agribusiness is killing me and you

jill's "buzzflash guest contribution"
gives us a peace&poetree solution

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7th generation minded indiginees

"Gary Snyder's deep hope -- that someday we might all be native Americans, at home in our grand place -- is the only hope we have."
Bill McKibben on Gary Snyder's book No Nature (1992)

heard gary recently in seattle his home town
not too worried about global toasting it's been warm before
but once in d.c. he is sure to frown, think about airconditioning more

let's send both gary and bill to congress
we can all listen in on their talk
give them an old fashioned black board, and lots of chalk