Sunday, February 28, 2010

super-rich won't save us

here's why we must think hard about war -- think frequently and deeper
force turns men into things and then -- distorts things further
it's not just ignominious death -- face down in mud or sand
it is the threat of paralysis, disfigurement, p t s d, endless skin grafts
the taste of perpetual disgust in every dry mouth & tons of thickness
tons of dispair tons of rotting fish in oceans and rotting flesh on land

smell of 6 billion malnutritioned is why we don't live near each other
the fear of brain damage to children on all five continents infects
clings grieves-us-constantly blites blisters spreads the fungus
war killed so many millions in previous priviliged century of democide
fungacide pesticide weedocide genocide whose side are you on forgotten
"the person" becomes 'thing' indeed -- piece of shit on a corpstate stick

covers full of celebs gaining and losing weight at supermarket checkouts
all those papers meant to keep your mind off war, war dead, war maimed,
war orphans, war whores, ignore war debasing all decent human feelings?
what's all this war for: warren buffet,jimmy buffet,jack buffet,jill buffet
prounounced shmorgasborg of billionaires who turd like the rest of us & r
tired, drooping, shit-faced -- crumpled trump, rupertmurdock, sourpusses
drowning in illth

Saturday, February 27, 2010

same knowing knower?

why call ourselves same knowing knower

same as smoke blowing blower

we be humorous mouth fun leg fun

we be peekaboo pre-done re-done

we be full of joy over sadness

very very post-nuclear-madness

we be so ready for great transition

pray that ralph undertakes the mission

owed to james brown

new blank document the same old tabula rasa

a humerous playfull collaborator nose what to do

my nose is my no myass is myass

i'm a simple man by Nature (igbo calypso hi-life)

the kings of pop morphed into corpstate & OD'd

whereass james invented genres of generosity

james acknowledged his collaborators constantly

pleaded with them to be taken to the bridge

godfather came out from under the cloak

threw down the microphone & bounced it -- no joke

jb had good hair & teeth & rules

the other two were trickster fools

Thursday, February 25, 2010

great reskilling comes first

wrights before rites
being before knowing
human rights before writes
existence before experience

lily's timing & styling
@ 10 months in tempo
aa ee ooo Ah AH
wing wing walla walla

bing bang puts kids first
children and women first
reskilling via ellen

& colwyn trevarthen
reskilling in the vanguard
of a Great Return
in search of the primitive

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

toward The T Party

the great Transition needs resequencings and repetitions for USA
the great Reskilling puts the jubilation of our children first - HEY!
the great Localisation means do it now, call a neighbor - SAY. . . ? . . . . . !
the great InterdependAnce local Steps to Echology of Mind - HOORAY!
the great Economic Irrigation means giving berkshares away - TODAY!
the great Revaluing asks U what's the next rite step on ur MIDDLE WAY?
the great Rebalancing finds many delicate scales that really WEIGH!
the great Redistribution of local sociableness delivered by one horse sleigh. . . .

Homo sap sap way too technococooned

groovology as life-affirming joyous science

synthesizes, observes ongoing processes closely

[not dismal, analyzing, taking apart, vivisecting]

& the worldhear of it, the wholistic encompassing

inclusion and expansiveness may put people off

alienate rather than elicit participation

the hole tendency toward poetry may frighten people

will there be 'kool-aide' at the end of mck9's ceremony?

hell no! we're putting joy first flashing absolute bodicheatcha

maybe there are as many grooves as vibes, as discrepancies

any two vibes rubbing against each other may have a groove

could evolution (or mojo's elvislution) be a megagroove?

if all mutating species co-adapting co-evolving r us in synch

but only slightly out of phase kud Humo ludens collaboratus hear it?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

let us do lettuce for less

"A one-pound box of prewashed lettuce
contains 80 calories of food energy.
According to Cornell ecologist D. Pimental
growing, chilling, washing, packaging, and
transporting that box of organic salad
to a plate on the East Coast takes more than
4,600 calories of fossil fuel energy
or 57 calories of fossil fuel energy
for every calorie of food."

footnote page xvi in Slow Money by Woody Tasch
borrowed from Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilema

'crawling for congress' gets a laugh
'creeping' seems too creepy
'strolling' has elements of calm and dignity
slow politics encompasses all three
slow money ='s local money
local money for local lettuce
cuts out 4,600 calories of middlemen
and a plastic boxed 'commodity fetish'

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dr. Bill Keepin 1992

[these are Keepin's words from a speech
rearranged to look like a poem]

renewable technologies for a sustainable energy future

on the context of renewable energy development
Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh has said:
"What we most need to do is to hear within ourselves
the sounds of the earth crying"
it becomes clear
that what we label as a crisis in our environment
is equally as much a crisis within ourselves
a crisis of human consciousness and values
there are several dimensions to this that actually serve
as hidden driving forces for the ecological crisis:

one is the psychological pollution
continual bombardment of corporate advertising
and the consumer culture
another is the dominance by an hegemony
the masculine gender
& related problems of class and racial oppression
a third is the epistemological tyranny of western science
and market economics
the spiritual bankruptcy of secular technological modernism

if we ignore these aspects of our current dilemma
then the solar technologies that I have outlined
could actually serve to hasten ecological collapse
because energy would be removed as a constraint
on a forward stampede
if we embrace these deeper dimensions
accounting for their physical
spiritual implications
then solar energy and renewable sources
can provide abundant energy for all human societies
on earth
and free us once and forever
from the ravages of fossil fuels and nuclear power

partridge dance

partridge dance for the Mother
done re-done pre-done
help us find minoan honey
under millenial egyptian sun

rooted civilized slowness
in balance with Nature the key
local skills interdependance
true freedom for you and me

Sunday, February 21, 2010

sprialing spirochetes

we don't know what goes on inside us
losing touch with Nature's ways

slow up -- remove the screens and typhos
seek the sound and groove of place

nurture birds that eat the ticks
cut the budget for outer space

Saturday, February 20, 2010

true conservers conserve truth

true conservers conserve truth

Constitution claims the minds of originalists
link Declaration's language to each word in Bill o Rights
aboriginalists link floundering fathers
to the constitution behind the Constitution too
their hopes for our sustainable non-totalitarian future
in balance with Nature through and through
"laws of Nature and of Nature's God" guide us
not God's Nature, Nature's God!
let's get unilaterally unliteral
& sing bacteria in the sod
hum bacteria in each human gut
& in the forest floor
it's Gaia and Gaia only
knows what each bug is for
we have strayed from laws of Nature
splicing genes and shuffling species
cloning clones killing forests
sending drones
we have defied and lied to Gaia
who keeps winking but must deplore us
pause many times each day
meditate on shrinking speciation
see great great grandchildren
gazing on desert desolation
who are we to destroy
our great sustainer
the Creation

Friday, February 19, 2010

local reskilling for interdependance

"The Great Reskilling" (#5 of N=7 Great Transition themes)
seems deadly serious with killing inside but we hear rescue too
& recognition of blake's hands & fingers feeling grains, eternal sands
feeling rebirth of four fold vision seared & obliterated by satanic mills
great themes of Reskilling, Localization, and Interdependence
(#5, #4, & #7) ad up to 16 Buddhist "middle ways" of right action
can be taken up immediately by any small but dedicated group
anywhere people looking for jobs, useful work, well spent 20 hr week

"local reskilling for interdependance" as a slogan here in USA
can be picked up instantly by energetic teapartiers by green anarchists
by formerly enraged resenters, but now engaged Buddhists
by quaker/shaker revivalists quietest for centuries stomping blues again
by saliant ecostarians by ANY little group that wants to place a modest bet
on the joyous sustainable future NOW -- & seven generations out!

a prehistorical perspective

"The past and the future
-- far from being a matter of concern --
were wholly implicit in the present;
and the odd facts enumerated above
-- the divinity of animals and kings,
the pyramids, mummification --
as well as several other and seemingly unrelated
features of Egyptian civilization --
its moral maxims,
the forms peculiar to its poetry and prose --
can all be understood as a result of a basic conviction
that only the changeless is truly significant.
[footnote: See my Ancient Egyptian Religion, New York, 1948,
and Kingship and the Gods, Chicago, 1948.]"
Henri Frankfort, The Birth of Civilization in the Near East

an early civilization focused on the changeless
why don't we want to keep the eternal going?
why does divinity of animals seem strange to us?
why do we believe in our tech continually
changing the beJesus out of reality?
can the same technomania that is killing us
create solutions for the problems
our techno-cocooning has created?
we are screened off
we are screened out
we are screened in
we are monitored and managed
pharmaceuticalized locked in locked up
didn't dare to impeach
our sickest sick PUP
Perpetual Unilateral Preemptive wars
few now care to interrupt
half of each tax dollar
feeds the war machine
another chunk interest on war debts
may the tea party become a peace parade
led by our war vets

Thursday, February 18, 2010

teapartiers resisting d.c.

poet loose in the polis tighter in the potemkin exurbia
wishes to persuade tea partiers to follow paul y'all
bring home all the troops now for reforesting
don't buy chinese chotchkas at the mall

poet lusts for clean energy and clean production
made right here for righteous rightists in u s a
can we make ethanol without using fossil fuels
kicking alien ass in foreign countries is not 'the way'

poet can barely practice some of what he preaches
follows ruskin's 'ban the bomb' & 'let's plant peaches'
this year i hope i can help one peach to grow
more tea partiers resisting d.c. can make peace flow

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

humbling not humiliating

creeping for congress
crawling to redress a few grievances
(like the recumbent ignoring his oath)
bringing up the tempo to a steady stroll
suddenly i'm on a roll on a roll on a roll
may never find my way into copper canyon
with "slow politics #1" or "slower politics #2"
but what's a rhyme & rhythm guy
to do? jam on enjambments just
so, you know?

best political part of cop can catalogue
as reader is where each poet gets a
sentence to say why they bother doing it
"That moment, that heady feeling you get when
you think you've done something good -- even if
it later turns out not to be good. That's what
keeps me writing."
me too connie wanek me too

Monday, February 15, 2010

why war in afganistan?

98 to 0 Senate vote
402 to 1 in House
herd mentality
Barbara Lee the only rep
with heart and spine
& a pulsatile brain
wait, about 30 reps absentee?

no need for more terrorism
we follow their plan step by step
they bleed us dry
no need to lift a finger
we kill ourselves on cue
military industrial simplex
is all we know how to do

family values

The Great Transition
Great Return to Family Values
Simple Living great humility
Great Frugality
Love of Place & Love of Peace
Growing in My Back Yard
Dancing in My Back Yard
dance floor as threshing floor
we shall not be moved
from who we are where we are.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

time for the great transition

why we need a great transition

the nef book says:
climate change
peak oil
ecosystem pressure

the trends:
loss of wetlands
loss of mangrove areas
loss of coral reefs
loss of fresh water
loss of forests
loss of fisheries

loss of species
at 100 to 1000 times the normal rate

seven solutions:
the great revaluing
the great redistribution
the great rebalancing
the great localization
the great reskilling
the great economic irrigation
the great interdependence

Saturday, February 13, 2010

102 posts

reviewing gandhi's life & malcolm's many failures and mistakes
but satyagraha & ahimsa seem intensely practical after breaks

each crawler for congress each creeper each slow stroller
will discover a convergence in real life and in this hive
bring forth ever greater reverence for species still alive

102 posts along the way there toward the hip mahatma's dream
perhaps it's time to sift labels -- what bears repeating?
Human Nature
peace cost effective
action attraction
always for pleasure
Humo ludens collaboratus
being is knowing
back to basics
gut bacteria
food not bombs
children's joy
declaration of interdependence
GOOD ='s Global Organization Of Democracies
slow politics
20 hour week
full employment
james brown
john ruskin
layered identity
long term thinking
motricity =s mindness
dog philosophy
pass the word

7th generation thinking

lizzie lou was a bit upset
when i imagined the women's promenade as a ruin
the stonehingieness of the entryway
the Arch of Wife that bumped off hubby
contexted by cacti --- cracks between the bricks
-- filled with desert lichens

but many more structures could be built to last
& to look good & feel good ruin'd
if the whole campus will be returned to Nature
eventually or become a last oasis
in a vastly expanded Sonora
how do we want it to look
be of service in 3050

Friday, February 12, 2010

diggers, levellers, ranters, ravers

diggers levellers ranters ravers
tuba calls out to planet savers
god is good! ALL the time!!
every soul filled with rhythm n rhyme

levellers were once revellers
revelling in revelations
now levellers are mediations
tv, ipod, mp3, neutering computering
vidka shot after shot

"i'm tore down
i'm almost level with the ground
i feel like this
when my techno-gizmo can't be found"

variation on freddie king's blues

Thursday, February 11, 2010

corpstate no mere noun

it may be argued that "corpstate" is not a word in the english lingo
but just as the 9th amendment asks us not to deny or disparage rights
unwritten into the constitution i would ask you to consider a truth
a "legal" truth that corporations now are "persons" of great wealth
great power who are merged with "uncle sam" in one corpstate family

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

tolstoy on art

art is infectious & contagious
pulled in by mona lisa's smile

each painting has a hook a pull
an attraction or it misses by a mile

were you pulled in recently
when was the last time you felt hooked

a song did it a single word
or it didn't unfinished book

mystery of participation now rare
is there any there there anywhere

50 million youtube the hippie hugger
maybe he has one more hug to spare

raised on screens

"Whatever you meet unexpectedly, join with meditation."
from Pema Chodron's Start Where You Are

but if where you are is 8 to 18 tween to teen
and 10 hours and 45 minutes a day average is media
4+ TV, 2+ iPod/MP3, 1+ computer, 1+ vidka games
comes to 7 hours of TV and iPod/MP3 alone
7 hours of false-meditation
7 hours of non-sports action
7 hours of not musicking, not dramatizing,
7 hours not expressing, not drumming, not dancing,
7 hours of technococooning
7 hours away from body-in-society, interaction
7 hours of NON-participation
7 hours of socially approved addictions
7 hours of absurd "normality"
and then the 2+ hours approaching 3 of computer
and vidka on average on average on average
but some kids "binge" on one or the other
and no one knows the consequences

is anything unexpected, mind-stopping,
mind-opening when you control the machine
push the button, click the mouse,
and are fed still more alienated non-experience
is there anything there to "join with meditation"
no need for "?"
no need for speculation
machines can now meet our every expectation

Sunday, February 7, 2010

bless snakes spiders bats

World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor - it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement. - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

should have grabbed the quote from the hip mahatma
about starting with the children if you want peace
the international criminal court just getting started
no GOOD (Global Organization Of Democracies) to go to
the UN has never tried to stop a genocide in progress
a common GOOD aspiration is never in the headlines

still jfk has a point about mutual tolerance
that only needs expanding to the speciation
don't have to love spiders, snakes & bats as i do
just realize that they keep us alive
100k species of spiders, 932 species of bats
blessing snakes unawares still our best bet

Saturday, February 6, 2010

do one a day for mindness, motricity and well being

National Accounts of Well-being:
bringing real wealth onto the balance sheet
economics as if people and the planet mattered

cover of nef report a pile of cherries
other fruits in a blurry background
in figure 6 tom shalamun's slovenia
is so often right at the golden mean
very in-between denmark top & ukraine bottom
for "reliance & self-esteem" or "positive functioning"
the "Well-being Profiles for all countries" in Figure 8
appear as little spider webs on the page
slovenia's data show the tightest median pattern
evidence, perhaps, of the silk umbrella man's insight
"slovenians are easily pleased"

since the day louis bushell laid that observation on us
my wife and i have tried to be more slovenian
more median milwaukee wisconsin in all our affairs

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

another sonette solution

republicans know only perpetual war of terror
and total corpstate waste
democrats try hard to destroy the world with progress
growth, development & 'good taste'
this leaves a huge gaping whole
where healthy conserving ought to be
an emptiness filled with passives and bewilderds
trying to find a place

libertarian socialism of the jazz band
the working paradigm of nola's 2nd line
Declaration of In(ter)depenDance
is something for each body to define
tuba mira contains the poems & slogans
spargens sonum is our design

Monday, February 1, 2010

no more free speech in usa

killed all the milkers N = 51
and then himself when he was done

no one dares speculate in the press
can't get it out of my mind & don't dare guess

each loss of a family farm =s loss of a farmer
how many gone and no amendment to the Constitution

some say we need 50 million farmers in usa today
for local food healthy food fresh, new kinds of hay

perennial grains perennial greens permaculture cred
a society that respects honest work
mourns the corpstate dead