Saturday, November 28, 2009

thank you ralph

let's try to win
thot our bird was cookt
but it's time to begin

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

aboriginalists conserve creation

Constitution claims the minds of originalists
link Declaration's language to every word in Bill o Rights
aboriginalists link floundering fathers to the
constitution behind the Constitution too
their hopes for our sustainable non-totalitarian future
in balance with Nature through and through

"laws of Nature and of Nature's God" guide us
not Christ, Mary or Moses, not Lincoln, Blinkin & Nod
not God's Nature, Nature's God!
let's get literal and talk bacteria in the sod
bacteria in each human gut & in the forest floor
it's Gaia and Gaia only knows what each bug is for
we have strayed from laws of Nature splicing genes
and shuffling species cloning clones killing forests
we have defied and lied to Gaia
who keeps winking but must deplore us
do you pause each day to think about shrinking speciation
about great grandchildren gazing on desert desolation
who are we to destroy our ultimate sustenance the Creation

Monday, November 16, 2009

US Constitution, 2nd amendment rights

"A well regulated militia. . . . .

sounds like the national guard to me
necessary to the security of a state free
that's connecticut! that's my free state
not I rock not I ran not paki stan
not the land of the afghan hound
were the opium poppy doth abound
right here in nutmeg yankeeland
is where we have to take our stand
regulate to keep our arms at home
never ever let any irregulars roam
nazi rifle association has heads u know where
can't read Constitution can't really care
about freedom, justice, equality
heads up there it's dark & they just can't see

seems like well regulated militia
surrounds crack house or meth den
asks those inside to make amends
come out hands up & off to the cooler
well regulated militia can't be bribed
regulated means planting trees on the side
regulated means keeping arms locked up
regulated doesn't mean gangs allfuktup
or militias captained by timmy mcveigh
anybody hear what Constitution say?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

recycle back to november one

november one having fun
catallactics a way to get it done

life is a loop inside entropy
inside Gaia as creation so much is free

'market christianity'
'constantinian christianity'
simply don't compute
no matter how big the boni we pay the suits

hubris blindness sin sacralige
what's that growing in the back of the fridge?

try giving up TV for 25 years
you'll find that you have fewer fears

snivelization got coined twice
once by melville and once by twain
then again by crumb as i recall
bitchin and moanin the american refrain

Friday, November 6, 2009

another killer progress poem

". . . . an estimated 40 percent of freshwater fishes in South America have not yet been classified.

Scientists were startled in 1980 by the discovery of a tremendous diversity of insects in tropical forests. In one study of just 19 trees in Panama, fully 80 percent of the 1,200 beetle species discovered were previously unknown to science. At least 6 million to 9 million species of arthropods – and possibly more than 30 million – are now thought to dwell in the tropics with only a small fraction currently described."

unknown diversity disappearing fast
you'd think that this'd make our thinking improve
before we crash

but progress/growth/development and g n p
are killers we dare not question
we are slaves not free

enslaved minds can't reach outside TV
medium is the message
don't you see?

now computers interactive
harden the exoskeleton cocoon
many minds r snatched
and soon . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

farewell to an anthropologist

the death of Levi-Strauss

follows inevitably the death of Levy-Bruhl

living to 101 against the entropy rule

me not understanding entropy fully

not understanding sacrament at its core

watching from the nonexistent sidelines

not so safe on the disappearing shore

a nice rule to follow: always work on the tough issues

by peering into the poetic pipeline first:

what's back there? have i been here before?

from L-B to L-S via what Via, say Marcel Mauss?

the circulating gift of madness in our shrinking haus

The closing pages of Tristes Tropiques, cited as the great work by obiters,

scared the bejesus out of me as a grad student 50 years ago

because cultural entropy, the combining of value systems that had been separate,

discrete, seemed like a destruction of Eden, and of Blake's very indiginous and

exclusively local four fold vision, over and over and over and over and over again

until all sacred diversity was obliterated, once and for the destruction of all.

Psychologically: we humans might still number in the thousands or millions

after the anthropogenic sixth extinction, and after all cultures had been pulverized

into a shallow consumeroid value system, but we will all be thinking

in the same passive, technococooned way. When the Hot Evil is over,

we will be contemplating the destruction from the claustrophobic safety

of some stale cold evil technosphere, every single one of us with tubes

in our veins and a dancing tom delay tube down our throat.

The first missionary, anthropologist, or oil geologist to say "hell-oh"

spoiled a prime worldview, a unique understanding of the cosmos, forever.

Over and over again.

One thing about entropy is that it's Hericlitean.

You can't step into the River of Time over again.

But you can say "hell-oh" and ask another question:

"do you believe in christ our savior?"

"what's your kinship terminology?"

"seen any black gooey stuff around?"

And life, for those people who can not find a pristine stream

deeper in the rainforest, is over.

Even the west-resistant Pirihan will go under eventually,

if "progress" is allowed to continue.

Has anyone asked the Bororo lately

if they exist as arara, red parakeets?

It's been a while since I read Claude Levi-strauss

on the Bororo, but any "original participation" ideas

they may have had probably long gone by the time he arrived

in their part of the jungle.

The monotheisms and their attendent monomanias

create a totalizing context for primacy wars

against any other power tribe on the horizon

and all prime peoples all the time.

"Civilization originates in conquest abroad and repression at home."

(This is the first sentence of Stanley Diamond's great book,

In Search of the Primitive.)

When we lose a Levi-Strauss (or Levy-Bruhl or a Diamond)

a unique idioculture inside one cranium

we lose one of the few minds that didn't get suffocated

by civilized typhos

and persisted in asking the difficult questions.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

no ideas but in dance

no ideas but in dance

multisyllabic lexechology for apples & oranges & pom frits

(fried apples value added)

'no words but in things' sd

williamcarloswilliams to williamapplemanwilliams (r wild bills)

[military industrial complex freeze dries capitalist ideologee

as only knowing discourse]

[[gyspy fullstop's brackets can't separate this reality

frm daily handwriting on wallmart]]

Hayek {clicked on by accident}

was a proponent of the ignorance based worldview

but all these "Austrian economists" needed more hard Kohr

on smaller Salsburg scale

Catallactics is the praxeological theory of the way

the market economy reaches exchange ratios and prices.

It aims to analyse all actions based on monetary calculation

and trace the formation of prices back to the point

where an economic actor makes his or her choices.

It explains market prices as they are and not as they should be.

The laws of catallactics are not value judgments,

but aim to be exact, objective and of universal validity.

first used extensively by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises.

Friedrich Hayek used the term Catallaxy to describe

"the order brought about by the mutual adjustment

of many individual economies in a market."[1]

He was unhappy with the usage of the word "economy",

feeling that the Greek root of the word

- which translates as "household management" -

implied that economic agents in a market economy

possessed shared goals.

Hayek derived the word "Catallaxy"

(Hayek's suggested Greek construction would be rendered καταλλάξια)

from the Greek verb katallasso (καταλλάσσω)

which meant not only"to exchange" but also

"to admit in the community" and

"to change from enemy into friend."[2]

and so it is, my fellow americans, that catallactics strategy and tactics

[[in an age when one person can deliver all 3 varieties of WMD]]

is where we need to be

& it's a way to move away from money entirely