Sunday, November 1, 2009

no ideas but in dance

no ideas but in dance

multisyllabic lexechology for apples & oranges & pom frits

(fried apples value added)

'no words but in things' sd

williamcarloswilliams to williamapplemanwilliams (r wild bills)

[military industrial complex freeze dries capitalist ideologee

as only knowing discourse]

[[gyspy fullstop's brackets can't separate this reality

frm daily handwriting on wallmart]]

Hayek {clicked on by accident}

was a proponent of the ignorance based worldview

but all these "Austrian economists" needed more hard Kohr

on smaller Salsburg scale

Catallactics is the praxeological theory of the way

the market economy reaches exchange ratios and prices.

It aims to analyse all actions based on monetary calculation

and trace the formation of prices back to the point

where an economic actor makes his or her choices.

It explains market prices as they are and not as they should be.

The laws of catallactics are not value judgments,

but aim to be exact, objective and of universal validity.

first used extensively by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises.

Friedrich Hayek used the term Catallaxy to describe

"the order brought about by the mutual adjustment

of many individual economies in a market."[1]

He was unhappy with the usage of the word "economy",

feeling that the Greek root of the word

- which translates as "household management" -

implied that economic agents in a market economy

possessed shared goals.

Hayek derived the word "Catallaxy"

(Hayek's suggested Greek construction would be rendered καταλλάξια)

from the Greek verb katallasso (καταλλάσσω)

which meant not only"to exchange" but also

"to admit in the community" and

"to change from enemy into friend."[2]

and so it is, my fellow americans, that catallactics strategy and tactics

[[in an age when one person can deliver all 3 varieties of WMD]]

is where we need to be

& it's a way to move away from money entirely

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