Monday, May 24, 2010

found poem in "Doomsayers Be Warned"

Dr. Ridley writes:
"Empires bought stability
@ the price of creating a parasitic court;
monotheistic religions bought social cohesion
@ the expense of a parasitic priestly class;
nationalism bought power
@ the expense of a parasitic military;
socialism bought equality
@ the price of a parasitic bureaucracy;
capitalism bought efficiency
@ the price of parasitic financiers."

none of these parasites have disappeared
just as we doomsayers had feared

wars unwinnable

wars unwinnable since troy

wars unwinnable since pyrhhus

wars unwinnable but we go on

uberfolks this is so serious

two or more inconvenient truths

[we're too entombed in tech to care]

unwinnable wars heat up the planet

start where you are -- unaware

korea more than divided

vietnam was decided

iraq in deadlock quagmire afghan

invasive "power" shrinks derided

we'll be waving "no. 1"

as we sink beneath the sea

insane waste of life

(just between you & me)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

don't mess with it

who will explain our non-existence?

some ruminations from a groovological perspective
and a borrowed "ignorance based knowledge" world view.
(thanks to Wes Jackson & Wendell Berry)

dedicated to Sun Ra & "The Immeasurable Equation"
from WAITAWHILE press

We may not be here next week!
what if the final experiment that finally explains
"matter dominance in the universe"
is the experiment that undoes "matter dominance"?
light not reaching the human race in time
and we may take the 300 million year old horseshoe crab with us
plus 8 to 30 million other species
"In a mathematically perfect universe,
we would be less than dead;"
reporter Dennis (overbite) Overbye
isn't this a good reason not to "do the math" perfectly?
or is it dennis Over-bye-bye? can we trust the messenger?
all this striving for perfection
& a unified theory of everything
could obliterate us on the day we get it,
"get it right," "get everything tight"
get to know everything God only knows
wow! outtasight!!
anybody a bit worried about the humor, irony, timing of experiment?
you know, the latest experiment? next experiment? last experiment?
"A collider gives matter a small edge over antimatter"
sez times little headline
tucked away on page A17 after A1
"Why Are We Here? Let's Just Thank Our Lucky Muons We Are"
so just How small is that edge? who has the measuring stick?
could the edge be much smaller than we think?
could we be at the brink?
this could be the biggest apple bite ever?
just a wee bit more knowledge about the edge of the edge?
do any of the famous hedge funds have a hedge against "the edge"?
"This result may provide an important input for explaining
the matter dominance in our universe," Guennadi Borissov. . .
said Friday in a talk at Fermilab, in Batavia, Ill. . . . .
Maria Spiropulu of CERN and the California Institute of Technology
called the results "very impressive and inexplicable."
supposedly it all comes down to Sakharov's "CP violation"
"when the charges and directions of particles are reversed,
they should behave slightly differently"
How slightly is slight?
Are we about to reverse the big bang in a big pooooof?
Is this "slight difference" that may make a "big differernce"
the reason we don't find intelligent life anywhere else
in this very particular big bang'd universe?
Or the reason we do find inexplicable "black holes" or "dark matter"?
Will it be any consolation that Geneva, Switzerland
may disappear first, a micro second before we do?
Fat's Waller's reply to the lady that asked him what jazz is:
"If you have to ask madam, don't mess with it!"
"if you gotta ask, don't mess with it" also attributed to
Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, and other great groovemeisters
"tryin' to make it real compared to what?"
Les McCann
And finally my computer's question:
"Do you want to save the changes you made to . . .

letter to a luddite physics blogger

Hi Ted,
Much appreciate your running commentary on the "lucky Muons" reporting. I don't believe in "progress" or in "science" always leading us to better technologies, etc. very skeptical and alarmed by bioengineers performing "the next needed experiment." Ditto for "Large Hadron Collider" and whatever CERN stands for.
What do the initials stand for?

Is the "the next right thing to do" for physicists, the next right thing for the rest of us?

Any discussions inside or outside the DZero team about the dangers of "imploding" or "tilting," or causing another "Great Annihilation" or a human caused "poof" that reverses the big bang or puts a "dent" or "hole" in our corner of the expanding Universe?

If the CP violations are "slight" an "edge" a tiny "discrepancy" isn't it dangerous to do more than observe Nature ever more closely and THINK about our quest for the Perfect theory?

What if "God" or "Evolution of life" or "The Universe" hinges on something like "imperfection"/"mutation" or what a MacArthur Fellow friend calls (in relation to the "the participatory discrepancies" of musicking) "the necessary slippage"?

Just for the record, I'm for a moratorium on big collisions in physics for this century, or until the atomic bomb can be "recalled", a 20 year moratorium on releasing any more manmade chemicals into the environment, a permanent moratorium on releasing bioengineered organisms into Nature, etc.

Are you "for" any of this? If not, why not?

Or what about trying to build some kind of fire wall between experimental science and technology? Let observational science catch up and fully evaluate the damage that has already been done.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

libertarians in denial

Dear John Tate,

in reply to Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty May 4, 2010 letter
you guys must do much much better
denial of fascism, denial of corpstate partnership,
denying tight corporate control of both parties
denying that "free market" lobbyists write these laws
denying the money to be made off Cap and Trade
or any other rip off of the taxpayers
you deny your own sanity, your reason,
your awareness of the season
& how the big corpstate operates

denial of climate change as most urgent issue
an even worse make-believe "for Liberty"
free to fry? free to flood? free to slide under the mud?

nuthin in your 6 page letter addresses fascism-as-it-is
nuthin abt military-industrial-complex as last-biz-there-is
nuthin about bringing ALL troops home to plant trees
sequester carbon heal Mother Earth feel fresh breeze

Friday, May 14, 2010

the famous Mother's day call

for a peace process
and the common GOOD (Global Organization Of Democracies)

"In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask
That a general congress of women without limit of nationality
May be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient
And at the earliest period consistent with its objects,
To promote the alliance of the different nationalities,
The amicable settlement of international questions,
The great and general interests of peace."

why don't wise women of the small and tested democracies
send one delegate from each accountable country
to talk peace, justice, ecological balance
for a few hours each day in assembly
365 days a year until we achieve
peace, justice, ecological balance

soon we would know all the ways the UN has failed us
and what is to be done

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

from a letter by 100 scientists

(i) The planet is warming due to increased concentrations of heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere. A snowy winter in Washington does not alter this fact.
(ii) Most of the increase in the concentration of these gases over the last century is due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
(iii) Natural causes always play a role in changing Earth's climate, but are now being overwhelmed by human-induced changes.
(iv) Warming the planet will cause many other climatic patterns to change at speeds unprecedented in modern times, including increasing rates of sea-level rise and alterations in the hydrologic cycle. Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are making the oceans more acidic.
(v) The combination of these complex climate changes threatens coastal communities and cities, our food and water supplies, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forests, high mountain environments, and far more.