Wednesday, December 16, 2009

National Glory same olde story

from Dr. Benjamin Rush's Plan for a Peace Office

In order more deeply to affect the minds of the citizens
of the United States with the blessings of peace,
by contrasting them with the evils of war,
let the following inscriptions be painted
upon the sign which is placed over the door
of the War Office.
1. An office for butchering the human species.
2. A Widow and Orphan making office.
3. A broken bone making office.
4. A Wooden leg making office.
5. An office for the creating of public and private vices.
6. An office for creating a public debt.
7. An office for creating speculators, stock jobbers, and bankrupts.
8. An office for creating famine.
9. An office for creating pestilential diseases.
10. An office for creating poverty, and the destruction of liberty,
and national happiness.
In the lobby of this office let there be painted
representations of all the common military instruments of death,
also human skulls, broken bones, unburied and putrefying dead bodies,
hospitals crowded with sick and wounded soldiers,
villages on fire, mothers in besieged towns
eating the flesh of their children,
ships sinking in the ocean, rivers dyed with blood,
and extensive plains without a tree or fence, or any object,
but the ruins of deserted farm houses.
Above this group of woeful figures, –
let the following words be inserted,
in red characters to represent human blood,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

from one of We the people

Dear Ralph, Naomi, Wes & Wendell, Oren,
Starhawk, Andy Kimbrell, Bill McKibben
and all the candidates
that the poets, vegetarians,
12 steppers, animal rights activists,
be-all-ogists, echologists, gyn-ecologists,
unions of concerned scientists, people,
etcetera etcetera
can muster,

We need many independent libertarian candidates
in every one of the 435 congressional districts
so a significant number of "only the rich
can save us" republicans will join in
& create a 7th Generation Party that can:
1) actually elect 10 to 20 or more of us
to the House of Representatives;
2) gradually or suddenly replace the present g o p
turning it into a "3rd party"
(think of many districts
where the incumbent democrat wins big
because the "conservative" vote is split
& "We" come in 2nd);
3) do the education/consciousness-raising/awareness
of co-evolution play that must be done
if we are to bring progress/growth/development
nightmare to a sane
decentralized democracy & justice for all

let me put it in the negatives
IF we don't do this in 2010
there's a high probability that team obama
accomplishes nothing of importance
in 2nd two years of a one term presidency
fear mongering republicans return to power
with revenge on their ledged minds
wars continue to feed the war corporations
6th extinction and global storming
not only continue
but accelerate
bacteria and viruses breed and co-evolve
70 times faster than we do
and one or two nasty ones will spread quicker
in starving, weakened, immune-compromised populations
the century of world wars and genocides wasn't pretty
the century of plagues, heating, dessication, flooding
and more genocides will be so much uglier
many will welcome the grim reaper with a sigh of relief
and a 7th Generation Party may never see
the light of day

we have a chance
an opportunity
11 months from now
to change the direction
toward simplicity
less tech
no nukes
planned parenthood
angeleek's uneek soup kitchen
groove de la groove daycare
dance ur blues away fitness
conflict resolution center
in every neighborhood
sustainable and egalitarian
joy filled living

we the people may not get another chance


m.c. k9
Box 511
Lakeville, Ct. 06039

Saturday, November 28, 2009

thank you ralph

let's try to win
thot our bird was cookt
but it's time to begin

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

aboriginalists conserve creation

Constitution claims the minds of originalists
link Declaration's language to every word in Bill o Rights
aboriginalists link floundering fathers to the
constitution behind the Constitution too
their hopes for our sustainable non-totalitarian future
in balance with Nature through and through

"laws of Nature and of Nature's God" guide us
not Christ, Mary or Moses, not Lincoln, Blinkin & Nod
not God's Nature, Nature's God!
let's get literal and talk bacteria in the sod
bacteria in each human gut & in the forest floor
it's Gaia and Gaia only knows what each bug is for
we have strayed from laws of Nature splicing genes
and shuffling species cloning clones killing forests
we have defied and lied to Gaia
who keeps winking but must deplore us
do you pause each day to think about shrinking speciation
about great grandchildren gazing on desert desolation
who are we to destroy our ultimate sustenance the Creation

Monday, November 16, 2009

US Constitution, 2nd amendment rights

"A well regulated militia. . . . .

sounds like the national guard to me
necessary to the security of a state free
that's connecticut! that's my free state
not I rock not I ran not paki stan
not the land of the afghan hound
were the opium poppy doth abound
right here in nutmeg yankeeland
is where we have to take our stand
regulate to keep our arms at home
never ever let any irregulars roam
nazi rifle association has heads u know where
can't read Constitution can't really care
about freedom, justice, equality
heads up there it's dark & they just can't see

seems like well regulated militia
surrounds crack house or meth den
asks those inside to make amends
come out hands up & off to the cooler
well regulated militia can't be bribed
regulated means planting trees on the side
regulated means keeping arms locked up
regulated doesn't mean gangs allfuktup
or militias captained by timmy mcveigh
anybody hear what Constitution say?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

recycle back to november one

november one having fun
catallactics a way to get it done

life is a loop inside entropy
inside Gaia as creation so much is free

'market christianity'
'constantinian christianity'
simply don't compute
no matter how big the boni we pay the suits

hubris blindness sin sacralige
what's that growing in the back of the fridge?

try giving up TV for 25 years
you'll find that you have fewer fears

snivelization got coined twice
once by melville and once by twain
then again by crumb as i recall
bitchin and moanin the american refrain

Friday, November 6, 2009

another killer progress poem

". . . . an estimated 40 percent of freshwater fishes in South America have not yet been classified.

Scientists were startled in 1980 by the discovery of a tremendous diversity of insects in tropical forests. In one study of just 19 trees in Panama, fully 80 percent of the 1,200 beetle species discovered were previously unknown to science. At least 6 million to 9 million species of arthropods – and possibly more than 30 million – are now thought to dwell in the tropics with only a small fraction currently described."

unknown diversity disappearing fast
you'd think that this'd make our thinking improve
before we crash

but progress/growth/development and g n p
are killers we dare not question
we are slaves not free

enslaved minds can't reach outside TV
medium is the message
don't you see?

now computers interactive
harden the exoskeleton cocoon
many minds r snatched
and soon . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

farewell to an anthropologist

the death of Levi-Strauss

follows inevitably the death of Levy-Bruhl

living to 101 against the entropy rule

me not understanding entropy fully

not understanding sacrament at its core

watching from the nonexistent sidelines

not so safe on the disappearing shore

a nice rule to follow: always work on the tough issues

by peering into the poetic pipeline first:

what's back there? have i been here before?

from L-B to L-S via what Via, say Marcel Mauss?

the circulating gift of madness in our shrinking haus

The closing pages of Tristes Tropiques, cited as the great work by obiters,

scared the bejesus out of me as a grad student 50 years ago

because cultural entropy, the combining of value systems that had been separate,

discrete, seemed like a destruction of Eden, and of Blake's very indiginous and

exclusively local four fold vision, over and over and over and over and over again

until all sacred diversity was obliterated, once and for the destruction of all.

Psychologically: we humans might still number in the thousands or millions

after the anthropogenic sixth extinction, and after all cultures had been pulverized

into a shallow consumeroid value system, but we will all be thinking

in the same passive, technococooned way. When the Hot Evil is over,

we will be contemplating the destruction from the claustrophobic safety

of some stale cold evil technosphere, every single one of us with tubes

in our veins and a dancing tom delay tube down our throat.

The first missionary, anthropologist, or oil geologist to say "hell-oh"

spoiled a prime worldview, a unique understanding of the cosmos, forever.

Over and over again.

One thing about entropy is that it's Hericlitean.

You can't step into the River of Time over again.

But you can say "hell-oh" and ask another question:

"do you believe in christ our savior?"

"what's your kinship terminology?"

"seen any black gooey stuff around?"

And life, for those people who can not find a pristine stream

deeper in the rainforest, is over.

Even the west-resistant Pirihan will go under eventually,

if "progress" is allowed to continue.

Has anyone asked the Bororo lately

if they exist as arara, red parakeets?

It's been a while since I read Claude Levi-strauss

on the Bororo, but any "original participation" ideas

they may have had probably long gone by the time he arrived

in their part of the jungle.

The monotheisms and their attendent monomanias

create a totalizing context for primacy wars

against any other power tribe on the horizon

and all prime peoples all the time.

"Civilization originates in conquest abroad and repression at home."

(This is the first sentence of Stanley Diamond's great book,

In Search of the Primitive.)

When we lose a Levi-Strauss (or Levy-Bruhl or a Diamond)

a unique idioculture inside one cranium

we lose one of the few minds that didn't get suffocated

by civilized typhos

and persisted in asking the difficult questions.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

no ideas but in dance

no ideas but in dance

multisyllabic lexechology for apples & oranges & pom frits

(fried apples value added)

'no words but in things' sd

williamcarloswilliams to williamapplemanwilliams (r wild bills)

[military industrial complex freeze dries capitalist ideologee

as only knowing discourse]

[[gyspy fullstop's brackets can't separate this reality

frm daily handwriting on wallmart]]

Hayek {clicked on by accident}

was a proponent of the ignorance based worldview

but all these "Austrian economists" needed more hard Kohr

on smaller Salsburg scale

Catallactics is the praxeological theory of the way

the market economy reaches exchange ratios and prices.

It aims to analyse all actions based on monetary calculation

and trace the formation of prices back to the point

where an economic actor makes his or her choices.

It explains market prices as they are and not as they should be.

The laws of catallactics are not value judgments,

but aim to be exact, objective and of universal validity.

first used extensively by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises.

Friedrich Hayek used the term Catallaxy to describe

"the order brought about by the mutual adjustment

of many individual economies in a market."[1]

He was unhappy with the usage of the word "economy",

feeling that the Greek root of the word

- which translates as "household management" -

implied that economic agents in a market economy

possessed shared goals.

Hayek derived the word "Catallaxy"

(Hayek's suggested Greek construction would be rendered καταλλάξια)

from the Greek verb katallasso (καταλλάσσω)

which meant not only"to exchange" but also

"to admit in the community" and

"to change from enemy into friend."[2]

and so it is, my fellow americans, that catallactics strategy and tactics

[[in an age when one person can deliver all 3 varieties of WMD]]

is where we need to be

& it's a way to move away from money entirely

Monday, October 26, 2009

adman & even

sakes alive! heavens to betsy! heart still pumping the buckdance beat

metal to metal makes the cymbal jounce, strutters strut, bouncers bounce

footwork simple footwork simple footwork footwork smile and dimple

sousaphonian shorty sousaphonian fats, yeah, sticks on rims, funny hats

what worked for bechet in 1910 works for me over n over again

what worked for satch in 1912 could make eve span and adam delve

will to party thumps will to power, in the streets & hour after hour

when adam dalfe and eue spane where was than the pride of man

Friday, October 23, 2009

wake up calls

wake up call in every face
wake up call in street feet
walk to dance dance to walk
every step can be a treat

what is our intention
what are we here to do
just add to the entropy?
cook up a sacramental stew

screwdriver on the cymbal
bass drum thumper in hand
breath out tuba mira
throughout the land

350 day
and every day thereafter
celebrate life - cut CO2!
me & you me & you

Friday, October 16, 2009

m.c. k9

fullstop after m. stands for fullstopping militarism;
fullstop after c. stands for fullstopping "control over,"
fullstopping "domination"
fullstopping "progress."

music in the streets of this great city
each musician an m.c. k9
i look up from this box to see
"settings" "layout" "monetize"
the setting is new orleans
after the storm
the layout is kin and kith
filling out the band
supported by left hand tamborine
right hand on sousaphone valves
steady breath into the great horn
white plastic buckets monetize
day to day in the street
weekends before the marble court

fellow followers

coming to you from hotel st. marie
i can feel why they call it 'the big easy'

great church music audible a block or two away
lots of good food options calling me out to play

path to peace CD and brochure given to my host
reading chogyam trungpa on the plane - pardon my boast

'selfless warmth' suffuses in another city of few illusions
narrow paths and the 'Great Vehicle' push aside confusions

Thursday, October 15, 2009

don't be a sessile sea squirt

"The lesson here
is quite clear:
the evolutionary development
of a nervous system
is an exclusive property
of actively moving creatures."
from p.17 R.R. Llinas, i of the vortex

that's us
humo ludens collaboratus
humorous playfull collaborating
born to move and groove our apparatus
it's not about higher status

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


"There are so many things that make me want
to withdraw, to go back to myself.
But my practice helps me remain in society,
because I am aware that if I leave society,
I will not be able to help change it.
I hope that those who are practicing Buddhism
succeed in keeping their feet on earth,
staying in society. That is our hope
for peace."
Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace pg. 50

Listen to the story told by the reed,
of being separated.
'Since I was cut from the reedbed,
I have made this crying sound.'
The Essential Rumi, pg. 17

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

how to do poems

how to do poems one line at a time

fill each line with rhythm & rhyme

leg fun mouth fun and peek-a-booo

meter alliteration and mystery tooo


wow this is cool -- am i dreaming

yes, anyone can do this; try it at home

drop dried fruits in a batter of scone

defeat descartes

started in june and here it is october
ain't got no rhetoric that locates and persuades the sober

got to move "the arts" into each heart
boston and new orleans not so far apart

atonement; at-one-ment; a tone meant! is a start
reveal what a small brass band can do to defeat descartes

uncle bill's four fold vision can create a space for species
save the sanity and serenity of each child from the mart

Sunday, October 4, 2009

a post on the way to where?

"a post on the way there" part of lord buckley's hip ghan
that's a all we can say for this blog-plog -- and beyond?

"when you get to it and you can NOT do it
there you jolly well are" another saying from my mon

think i'd better blather to a limited local public
than waste time inside this box saying bye bye

over & over no i to i -- asking since June 30th for fellow crawlers
july, august, september, one 'follower' no new member

860 435 0717 is where i can be reached
box 511 lakeville, ct. 06039

"knowledge is just alienated experience"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

andy kimbrell's blues

the blues is all about hot evil satanic evil and now cold evil porosity
heavy metal guitarists making deals for ever greater denser virtuosity
selling souls corrupting hearts overdosing on sciences and arts
overproducing, overpolluting, overusing our personal parts

"sin is a breach in one's relationship to others, to the creation and to God."
"Evil is that force which seeks to make healing impossible. Evil makes sin,
the alienation of one from the other, permanent.. . . . evil is so chilling."
and the atonement (at-one-ment, a-tone-ment) of the blues so thrilling

Friday, October 2, 2009

blessed are the beatitudinous multitudes

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn,

For they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,

For they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

For they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful,

For they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

For they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

For they shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

speak meek and do war?

there is no mercy in militarism

peacemakers persecuted

how can we mourn

when we are not allowed to see

our dead soldiers

hunger & thirst for righteousness

may we be filled soon

Thursday, October 1, 2009

rabbit rabbit rabbit

what my mom sometimes said first on the first day
invoking alertness and the spirit of play

i've been talking turtle for this congressional crawl
no one joining in, where are you all?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hymn to stinging nettles

One Law one agenda one task one goal
untune nobody as we make ourselves Whole
feel full fill mint in the gentlest stroll

mints, nettles, alliums, what other critters won't eat
fed us over millenia treat after treat after treat
chenapodia, vleeta, horta, amaranth our meat

28 insects rely on stinging nettle -- whew!
another 18 very dependent too
yet there is plenty left over for me and you
Gaia help us find our proper place in Nature's free zoo

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

classless society in a moss glossary

Radicles Rootlets growing from the stem.

Radiculose With radicles.

Retuse Obtuse and slightly indented.

Revolute Rolled backwards, as of the leaf margin.

a found poem from the Manual of Hawaiian Mosses, by Edwin B. Bartram,

Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii (1933:267)

radiculose revolute

normal font of love & joy

easy to forget the retuse obtuse indented part

think of imperfections mutations

as the rootlets of all art

as of the leaf margin

talking leaves, rolled backward

classless society was a good start

created human being

we were sane before the mart

Friday, September 25, 2009

how about 24 hour week

a compromise, all pols say it's their art, their calling
so instead of half the 40 hour grind, we go to 24
one day's worth of "work" per week & APAP
As Playfully As Possible -- the whole "work" thing way overdone

"APAP ASAP!!" As Soon As Possible will cut down stress
reduce the need for comprehensive health care
release our humo ludens collaboratus species being
let everyone turn it over all-at-once or one by one

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

enuf lafter?

let's spell it "enuf" because 4 letters cut it, don't need 6
& be sure to spell "radicle" as the botanists do for rootlets

it's radicle to say 20 hours of work a week is enuf
because we don't want more stuff stuff stuffed w. stuf

"we remained self-deceived, and so incapable
of receiving enuf grace to restore us to sanity."
((near bottom of pg. 32 in the 12 and 12))

enuf grace does it, that means no less and no more
sloth and wrath bracket more, more, more and more

20 hour week could cut everything in halfs
including gluttony, lust, greed, envy -- but not big lafs

let's get the ugly english "ugh" out of american
as we seek the balance of many 12/8 paths

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

thot i heard david suzuki say

political apathy biggest obstacle in our way
bigger problem than species extinctions
bigger problem than warming and storming
bigger problem than greedy corporations
bigger problem than technococooning our kids
bigger than any other problem you can name
because if no one can crack the apathy open
just long enough to elect representatives sane

no pressure, no leaders, no policy will change
we'll get used to more pain and more acid rain
we'll adjust, thicken skins, shrug off disasters
replace bandaids with bigger pills and plasters
swallow bigger lies build bigger resentments
drown in a swamp of cheap consumerist contentments

another message another bottle

picked up 4 fine handled glasses and 1 sweet bottle for glads
leftovers at june parsons' estate sale, naugahide chairs in drive
it's true no naugas died and rains cannot corrupt their skins

good words from uchang kim on web in re politics and literature
read hemmingway's version of the great fight with wallace stevens
26 kinds of sharks and over 15 species of rays and skates in UK waters

listened to my piri playing willow weep for me behind jack's poetree
seemed so long ago and far away but really just beyond yesterday
LP records are still playable in archives, so they say

Monday, September 21, 2009

in praise of the elasmobranch Torpedo marmorata

"in brain development
'neurons that fire together wire together.'
A variation on this statement might be
'neurons that fire together conspire together'
'timeness is consciousness.'"

"Synchronous activation of neurons
that are spatially disparate
is a likely mechanism
to increase the efficiency of the brain.
We have known for some time
about such simultaneity for motricity
and for motor-derived brain activity.
Examples include the electrical shock
produced by fish such as the electric eel
or by the
elasmobranch Torpedo marmorata."
(p. 121-22)

from Rodolfo R. Llinas (2002) i of the vortex

Saturday, September 19, 2009

we're no. 2 for brains

we're number one for planes
we're no. 2 for brains
i think i heard paul hipp say
we're no. 37 in healthcare
here in the u.s.a

we're no. 32 in acceptance of evolution
hey, we're no. 32! scope's trial was yesterday
thank Gaia we're not 79 or 127
no wonder we don't let our kids out to play
here in the u.s.a.

Friday, September 18, 2009

real compared to what?

less and less a part of the new yorker world
intellectuals assemble to talk with each other
personalities caricaturing & conversing
peace, ecological balance, children's joy
7th generation not the main agenda

"the president has got his war
folks don't know just what it's for"
multiple inconvenient truths
wash up unseen on a foreign shore
we mind the stinking store

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Constitution day and no parade

booth led boldly with his big badass bass drum
are you washed in the blood of gettysburg
warfare state has trashed our Constitution
floundering fathers tried to spare us this pain

9th amendment key to sustainable future
key to having a US conscience to keep clean
time to parade for a war free world
once & for all we must remove this stain

discrepant nastiness & imperfection politics

greatest discrepancies exist cuz traditionalists will them into existence

redhat mishaps make 2 conchs beat 2 shinbone trmpts collide

2 dungchens blend whale farts fiercely

2 vertical cymbals clittclattter 2 horizontal cymbals loll & groll

2 shawms flip slip & slide

2 skullcap whackerdrum rattles in 1 hand & little 2 sided bell ringledingles in t'other

prhps using bones & skulls of monks

most antagonistic to each other when they were alive

batttling post mortem tubaspargens scatter tattterseed sheed schweed sczwedddd

from daily practices over 6 or 8 centuries you get times square traffic jam

cuz that is their intent: miss takes, accidentals, overtones, incidentals

these cats wd grind their teethes find sharpest chalks to rub on rougher black boards

same for andean dudes & their panpipes flutes tooting in unregistered registers

piping down the vallies wild piping songs of childish glee

same for gorale string quartets making mockery of buddha pest

or hungky gypsies laying on the schmaltz in hungky restaurants

anywhere in the mountains anywhere gypsy fiddles cry there's mud in your eye

a grating on the nerves a certain discrepant nastiness

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

peace is the way

no way to peace

peace is the way

this is not work

this is just play

joy comes from justice

justice comes from joy

say with howlin' wolf

hoy hoy i'm the boy

look at a sovereign darfur

no problem we can't solve

create no fly zone

refugees return home

tell every victim

"you are not alone"

and mean it

Monday, September 14, 2009

increasing grace

"war is wrong war is waste war is such a national disgrace & that's why . . . "

from the big hit of late 2008 "We Love Peace Merengue" by New York Path to Peace

lack of grace

leads to endless waste of Earth lunatic lunaforming capitalism

w's wars as weird obsession preemptive unilateral perpetually

increasing grace

leads to very profitable day care franchise

angeleek's uneek next door lets everyone eat well for nearly free

minimalist barter art all over walls replaces currency

reliable source of supply

grace nutrition true education

eco not ego

peace & poetree

hot evil of war cold evil of media

there's the hot evil of war, waste and devastation
there's the cold evil of media and technococooning
giving us what we want to see and not what we need
now we are permitted to see a dead American soldier
for many years the censorship was so complete
such photos could be counted on the fingers of one hand
today school superintendents school principals
don't dare show the president speaking to children

for fear he might say something subversive of state=us quo
have to prescreen first, teachers checking to see
if what the black president says is acceptable
what if he says something like hope you grow up healthy
hope you can afford access to a hospital
hope you learn how to think for yourself

Saturday, September 12, 2009

adding to the wishlist

why aren't all the poets who admire gary and allen crawling
why did rebecca reider run away to free style poetree on golden bay

where did this "DICTEE" book by theresa hak kyung cha cum frum
her testimony a mix of gypsy fullstop dicta and gertrude stein

poetree forces condensation, flow, expansion all at once
poetree on the page pushes back to basics one way
poetree on the hoof pushes back to basics another

Friday, September 11, 2009

build a ppp wishlist

people who could be crawling or strolling with dignity but don't care
wes jackson and wendell berry triple pianissimo are loud and the best
naomi wolf and starhawk could give the ppp a huge boost east and west
randy e. barnett and 9th amendment lovers everywhere

wonderfully qualified quakers and buddhists in each of the 435
every district full of people from the neck up still alive
yeah, better put more rhyme and rhythym into this call
because our empire is crumbling so fast it's almost free fall

if those with eyes to see and ears that still hear
stay quiet tend to boxed business give in to fear
then slow politics for 7th generation dear
won't even start or will start only to swiftly disappear

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

transition to sustainable

relationship between participatory musicking
& studio-audio-arting for dancers
that's where action is for transition to sustainable
where there is a now to focus our intent.

reinvention of danceable grooves for today
we keep doing it until there is no other way
for lake waunanskapamonk & houseatonic headwaters

faith: in any given era there is a median hemline
a tempting tempo & a quality of soulclap
if we don't find it someone else will

starting today there is only local
expanding what is permitted locally
as in RE --- location, location & location

sounding sangha collectivizes meditation soundly
drum circle cycle collectivizes Gross National Happiness
GNH here & now
berkshire stompers social club glues grooves together
it's a we program

plus the felini passolini tortelini spaghatini fetucini parades
processions of peoples/species tunes drum interlocks

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

wars unwinable

wars unwinable since troy

wars unwinable since pyrhhus

wars unwinnable but we go on

uberfolks this is really serious

two or more inconvenient truths

[we're too entombed in tech to care]

unwinable wars heat up the planet

start where you are -- unaware

korea more than divided

vietnam was decided

iraq in deadlock quagmire afghanistan

our "power" shrinks, derided

we'll be waving "no. 1"

as we sink beneath the sea

insane waste of life

(just between you & me)

every day a play day

let's make post-labor-days play days
we've had our day of labor
honest labor is good but who can find it
for too many work has lost its savor

humo ludens collaboratus is us
takes a playful mind to crawl for congress
peace is next when we play all day
no time to listen to war mongers

Sunday, September 6, 2009

addictions, fixations, comfort zones

wouldn't do it over and over again
if it didn't feel good, a quik fix, at the start
it's that first anything that takes away my heart

i'm stuck in my habits and looking for new ones
all in the name of creativity, pleasure, art
in Congress horse meets cart, whole meets part

the entire House of Representatives needs replacing
give the fixtures and comfortables 2 year vacations
fresh lookers, asking questions, some of them smart

Saturday, September 5, 2009

so many successes

the geezer in the mirror doesn't text doesn't twitter
no more dither in his slither as he laughs the laughing song

entering labor day weekend a day late, he accepts his fate
need not learn the stewpit dog tricks from teens and tweens

but what of infants and toddlers with iphoning moms & dads
& the superficial facebook friendships they will wish they never hads

Thursday, September 3, 2009

inventory of failures {n=17}

each flop a get moving shout

no hooks, no rippling tunes, i end up on the prong
afto eneh to paluki! in Greek

follow kc's tiv example of putting out what's coming thru
conscience of the lineage, here's what i dugh

peace echo-balance sounding-grooving what-we-knew
gainst text interpretation thru & thru

o when the saints in every key
shu fly don't bother me

we become pure music when we die
so stay on the path
musicdance replaces politics&religion-as-usual
becoming plain 's pokin people
our only goal
avoid the wrath

the point of on the page is to pack more meanings in
punish more different sighs type faces
more 'confusion to the french!'
more mr. re
more m.c. k9 hornblower

put today's words into sad trad songs

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

answering pablo's questions

steady state economics would give time back to us
in more equal shares
time for peace
time for children

time for scooters, vacation, fall
time to discover the balance
between Nature's call and Human Nature's response
in an infinite variety of configurations

Friday, August 28, 2009

why take a chance?

"What did the tree learn from the earth
to be able to talk with the sky?"

"Whom can I ask what I came
to make happen in this world?"

from Pablo Neruda The Book of Questions

what better way to crawl for congress
than in the spirit of pablo?
whose questions are best answered now?
the ragged condor reports back to mrs. condor
(mr. buzzARD is out in the yARD
mr. rabBIT is here with the

a compassionate rinoceronte lasts forever

a mole wouldn't last for a minute on the moon

destroy a few gut bacteria? why take a chance
stir up the forest floor? why take a chance
watch the coral reefs decline? why take a chance
can we genesplice our way out? why take a chance
build another megacyclotron? for what!

even turtles and snakes pause often for reflection

Thursday, August 27, 2009

shuffling off to buffalo

charlie haynie's tennesee memoirs on sale at talking leaves buffalo
i'm sure it's all about those 60s when bold ideas made spirits glow

nowadays lots of attractive actions can ripple faster day by day
go to buffalo and listen to what 'city of no illusions' has to say

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

prioritize pleasure

seek not transcendence and a heaven higher
seek justice and equality of seller and buyer

prioritize pleasure and measure for measure
not much point in excess treasure

the mere idea of control for its own sake and yours
leads to endless work and extended tours

let go let Gaia let trance dance reveal the Path
while the musicking lasts we avoid any devilish wrath

the last six lines of possible sonnet yours to wright
(substitute these until thine lines be write
no fight no flight just live for the next good rite
keep your rhythms & rhymes loosely tight, right?
real estate investment trusts called reits are blights
tuba mira signals good mornings and good nights)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hubris is the pride that blinds

hubris is the pride that blinds and not one of the other kinds
we have it in abundance here, feeding on self-centered fear

no one gets health care free but any european nation better than we
we stopt competing in making steel, overhead costs became unreal

health care administration same deal, no pain doc, i just can't feel
hubris is the pride that blinds and closes many american minds

Monday, August 24, 2009

keep coming back to ruskin

ruskin's unto this last
a not so distant past

grow a peach tree
give a peach to a sick child

build many bombs
they will go down chimneys

Sunday, August 23, 2009

writing as residue

writing as residue from
"if you can say it you can play it"

taking inventory of failures
i can see where i go wrong

'negating the negation'
remain hung up on the prong

can't prophecy the future
sing the present strong

Monday, August 17, 2009

the violinist in the metro station

cuddabin joshua, cuddabin yehudi, yascha, yitsak, isack
(but maybe not yoyo, or a langlang
w. megasteinway, portable proscenium, corpsponsors)
indicative of a dying snivelization, empire, fake economy
very thin veneer very shallow patina of petrified 'kulchur'
cracking and flaking in the sun

distracted by our cells
screened in by tv and computers
busy just being commuters
cocooned by recorded music
absorbed in egotrips to egoland
can't linger & listen to each other
much less understand
we're missing all of Nature

Gaia save the tugging 3 year olds

Sunday, August 16, 2009

20 hour week

"if the world as we know it was to be safe,
then we have to break up the big empires,
the big powers,
who are the cause of all our troubles."

"To be small or not to be at all.
That is the question.
The large have no future."

Leopold Kohr in "Why Small Is Beautiful: The Size Interpretation of History"
October 1990 E.F. Schumacher Lectures

decentralize decentralize
work where you live
live where you work
bring on the 20 hour week
no shirk no go berserk

everyone employed insured
on one overburdened
bored at one gig try another
stop overproduction
brother save our Mother

Saturday, August 15, 2009

slomo of instant classlessness

for those of us who reject the momo [momentum of modernity]
it's easy to laugh off the pomo [postmodern?]
& relax into the slomo of instant classlessness

the show crept in guy talk

the immanent imperfection is decay and death
and no wonder colleagues in ethnomusicology
not embracing the participatory discrepancies
'the show crept' was a jirgba ahire phrase in 'guy'
the language of makurdi's beat generation
before we found igbo young men eviscerated
intestines coiled like giant caterpillars in fields
this is what state force inevitably yields

"new blossoms, full-blown, withered, gone to fruit."
scenes from the fertile 60s force these daily appeals
for goodness, long-term-thinking, tire-on-road & stuck-pig squeals
for drumming circles, dances, prayers, everyone kneels
for strange sonnets on a g-string singing death, ax, equals
don't give up on the poet inside you; make life feel real

Friday, August 14, 2009

world right side up & soon

mary don't you weep, in still moments i hear you sighing
catholic worker woodcuts can bring on healthy crying

christians absorbed by empires in endless unchanging sames
now prince of peace just another player in the foul war games

tuba mira spargens sonum horn miraculous scattering sound
steady 'persistence of residual practices' turns world upside down

Thursday, August 13, 2009

another matter altogether

"Maria Sibylla Merian's paintings are another matter altogether.
Her lines are as crisp as Marrel's are muted;
She draws with the clinical precision of Durer or Hofenagel,
but at the same time her saturated colors collide in daring,
almost fluorescent contrasts.

Rather than showing animal & vegetable
@ some celestially perfect moment,
she combines the different stages
of growth and decay,
an expanse of time
into a single image.

Her flowers will appear
on the same branch as buds,
as new blossoms, full-blown, withered, gone to fruit.
Leaves sprout, flourish, go brown, die, and drop,
many of them half eaten by caterpillars.

The insects, too, are shown as they pass
through every stage
of their strange
cyclical lives.

Like Caravaggio before her,
she registers
the passage of time
by documenting several of its phases,
calling attention
to the immanent imperfection
of it all."

found poem in NY Review of Books
review by Ingrid D. Rowland

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

3 basic principles

3 basic principles
3 wheels that reverse
peace ecology children
lift the curse

waging peace
we face the present
put the power tribes
to rest

ecological balance
slows us up
& increases

children's joy
followed closely
7th generation

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

maria sibylla merian's paintings

"she registers the passage of time
by documenting several of its phases,
calling attention to the immanent
imperfection of it all."

you won't see the colors here
smell the flowers
feel Nature's transience
smell the tropic funk

virtual reality
a pile of junk

Monday, August 10, 2009

last night, seeing so many young people at a nagasaki vigil in winsted
last friday, making danceable music with children in falls village
each day, feeling deep connections possible across the generations
maybe, just maybe, we're moving past all the plunder and pillage

frequent vigils frequent dances affirming minute particulars of life
lighting candles putting words in phrases for peace, a continuing delight
tax resisters invited to amazing planet! farm & justice center in vermont
creating solutions to real problems is never fight and rarely flight

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

justice or just is

truth & justice peace & justice keep them in mind daily
not too much to ask that all life forms be treated fairly

each extinction poses a risk that no scientist can describe
which entities in the web of life are the ones keeping us alive

certainly each tree assists us keeping air cool and breathable
ask local sprites before taking one down -- is this feasible

Monday, August 3, 2009

wrote my congressperson

spell the name of the possible war crime twice
Dasht-e-Leili Dasht-e-Leili
like the names of leading hutu genocidaires
the horror of mass murder keeps me from memorizing
i seek no mnemonic device

how about 'my hopes were Dasht'?
is 'e-Leili' the prayer of the suffocated?

the tiv of nigeria taught me
a poet is a conscience of the lineage

Saturday, August 1, 2009

a biocentric sonnet

what little song might i sing today
each ikarian green cooked a different way
@merican @anarchists find nutrition & homes
we walk the road singing - sambas and sons

samba & son, bembe stone to the bone
intensify trust - drop computer - use phone
rains & mists give us greens galore
boil them up and save some trips to the store

and what 's more -- this generalizes to the world
answers the questions of every flag unfurled

g.i.m.b.y. these greens, nettles, vleeta, and horta
go and gather them up, spring, summer and fall

find a healthier, happier response to the call
long live Nature, starve the dismal mall

Monday, July 27, 2009

the add lib coalition

one supporter of the crawl
sums it up as
infrastructure, education, arts
decline and fall

"arts" can't really be subsidized
you either do it or you don't
@ bringing out the best in the brightest
our schools seem to go from worse and worst
that leaves infrastructure
and wars have created an empty purse
printing funny money to build
could be another curse

bringing libertarians and liberals together
liberationists for women and children too
seems like such an obvious ad lib thing to do

Sunday, July 26, 2009

eknath says read the mystics

early 1200s to early 2000s

rumi, francis, milarepa
stayed at home
wake us up

be teacher
in community
spin off players

peel away

lobsters molt
pythons shed
great prayers

one big wed
kiska stolen?
be yay sayers
(translated from Farsee)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

post-computer post-tv

pc pre computer ptv pre tv
pre screenings of consciousness
what's it mean to just BE

post-pomo post-toasties post-posting-my-poop
time to just let everything droop
longer than drop and you don't have to stoop
longer than stop! can't close this loop

just stop doing zeros and ones
digital virtual less & less fun
catching insects on allium
with canon
power shot
digital elph
just more naming & filing
by a selfish small self

why was the fox so dead in the road
fullstop to ask questions slows overload
slow politics offline may never catch on
but neither does whining into beyond

Friday, July 24, 2009

buried a young fox

found young fox dead in the road this day dawning
stopped the car & put on the blinker warning
wet from rain red blood bled from the head
same fox watched from our window many a morning

picked it up by the tail and put it in the grass
big black ears will hear no more -- alas
started to cry but told my eyes to remain dry
acceptance, yet roadkill makes me visit the past

how many mashed bodies have i pulled to the side
dug hole between pawpaw seedlings let body slide
filled in, piled stones, someone may find the bones
a dwarfish ballad hides humility behind pride

Thursday, July 23, 2009

mom & apple pie

peace ecological balance children @ play
homo ludens collaboratus (r species being) the American way
this is the mom the libertarian apple pie has been missing
Old Mothernature OMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm
so simple -- "mom & apple pie" the very pie mother mary
imagined eve cooking up for her man adam full of know-how
modest nourishing reality-as-it-is-Nature feeds us every day
in every way no more no less enuf for life -- free of stufffff

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 basic principles

3 basic principles
3 wheels that reverse
peace ecology children
lift the curse

waging peace
we face the present
put the power tribes
to rest

ecological balance
slows us up

children's joy
followed closely
7th generation

Monday, July 20, 2009

for the common GOOD

July 20th, 2009

Dear Senator McCain:

During the campaign you supported a "League of Democracies"
& that was one proposal that made me look twice at your candidacy.
The world does need global policemen but we are untrustworthy.
Our "preemptive unilateral perpetual"wars have disqualified US.

We need a year round forum to shape swift and thrifty global policies
to stop terrorism/genocides/"ethnic cleansings"/uncivil wars
and in full support of the International Criminal Court. Do you
support the common GOOD (Global Organization Of Democracies)?

This is a GOOD idea whose time has come
please give it your continuing best effort.
We the people would appreciate your suggestions.
What can we do to move this country in GOOD directions?


Charlie Keil
Box 511
Lakeville, Ct. 06039

cc. Pres. Barack Obama

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

a strong interest in prioritizing

a strong interest in prioritizing
1) eco-balance
2) peace-play
3) the full and free expression of young children as dancers
drummers poets singers cartoonists instrument players
mimes sculptors comedians dramatizers

Wanted: people who will "crawl for Congress" as write-in candidates
in all 435 Congressional districts for 12 to 20 minutes a day
as libertarian paleocons with the above priorities
eco-balance & peace-play
immediate goals and action
cultivating the free and full expression of children
comes first because it is deeply satisfying
and the peace movement is small elderly
needs many young people who are fully alive
not technococooned
not alienated
not addicted
not passive consumers
a large and lively peace movement
diverting resources
from stupid counterproductive wasteful wars
to ecological problem solving
will make radicle (rooted) decentralism
Jeffersonian yeoman farming communities
free states
participatory democracy
local music & dance traditions
possible and sustainable now
& for the 7th generation
& beyond

Monday, July 13, 2009

war is waste

war is waste peace is prosperity

big weapons no good against anthrax
big weapons can't stop dirty nukes
big weapons compound chemo messes
big weapons have no purpose or use

weapons of mass destruction are tiny
just a sneeze, a suitcase, a parcel
give no person a reason to use them
and get rid of a huge useless arsenal

peace is extremely cost effective
gives us friends everywhere in the world
& it's the only way to stop the 6th extinction
let the 7th generation have a whirl

Friday, July 10, 2009

disastro at the castro

disastro at the castro

towers with slit windows for that narrow p o v
parapets for dumping boiling oil
the moat the drawbridge the spoils of war
endless toil

why live in constant fear of siege
why have this siege mentality
why is every leader besieged
why is this the big reality

money bucks mammon cash is king
monetization of every single thing

let's build up the always-for-pleasure people
starting with our kids
until everyone wants it that way

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

tons of poems
but so lite they float
from pencil to pen
to the great processing moat
surrounding the castle of mind

a castle full of dungeons
few dragons they float now
in friendly children's books
lacking fierceness in fantasy
'it's just a game'

that's what the recliner biker had to say
yesterday after the peace demo
no big or little pharma for him
rather die than live that way
found his paying gig
amongst the aged tucked away

Monday, July 6, 2009

frogs'r us

there's a reason to the season
this is no bog nor a blog
woke this a.m to plog a chorus of frog

happy to hear them
they're in danger like us
unlike gus can't take the bus

can't plan like stan but neither can man
no long term thinking on a scale grand
pot slowly hotter yet we make no fuss

Saturday, July 4, 2009

originalists & aboriginalists

originalists & aboriginalists

"The Hau de no sau nee is governed by a constitution known among Europeans as the Constitution of the Six Nations and to the Hau de no sau nee as the Gayanahakgowah, or the Great Law of Peace. It is the oldest functioning document in the world which has contained a recognition of the freedoms the Western democracies recently claim as their own: the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the rights of women to participate in government. The concept of separation of powers in government and of checks and balances of power within governments are traceable to our constitution. They are ideas learned by the colonists as the result of contact with North American Native people, specifically the Hau de no sau nee."
from A Basic Call to Consciousness, Geneva, Switzerland, Autumn 1977:17-18

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
from the first sentence of The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

originalists relate this Declaration to the Constitution which established USA a bit later
aboriginalists relate "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" to Nature as the Creator

originalists link the languages of Declaration and Constitution to each other
aboriginalists know that "the opinions of mankind" were once all focused on the Mother

originalists love Mother Nature because She entitles us to "separate and equal station"
aboriginalists understand diversity of species and cultures is the very basis of this nation

originalists hold the intent of the floundering fathers to be both clarifiable and sacred
aboriginalists know that it is 'we the people' who must free ourselves of war and hatred

Friday, July 3, 2009

listen to jill richardson

listen to

jill richardson of commonweal institute

if what she says is true
agribusiness is killing me and you

jill's "buzzflash guest contribution"
gives us a peace&poetree solution

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7th generation minded indiginees

"Gary Snyder's deep hope -- that someday we might all be native Americans, at home in our grand place -- is the only hope we have."
Bill McKibben on Gary Snyder's book No Nature (1992)

heard gary recently in seattle his home town
not too worried about global toasting it's been warm before
but once in d.c. he is sure to frown, think about airconditioning more

let's send both gary and bill to congress
we can all listen in on their talk
give them an old fashioned black board, and lots of chalk